
Hello all,

Welcome to my defunct food blog. The savvy among you will notice that the most recent post is from 2016. As I write this in Fall of 2023, I have no plans to revive this space, but also no plans to shut it down. It is a resource for me as much as for you. Please note, however, that I do not visit here often, and likely will not see your comments or questions (especially not in time to help you with recipes). For canning & preserving advice, I recommend you visit my good friend Marisa over at Food in Jars.

Happy cooking!




Hello and welcome to Local Kitchen, my home-away-from-home, my virtual kitchen notebook, my Diary of a Mad Mocavore (that’s mostly-locavore, friends; like Baby Fish Mouth, soon to be sweeping the nation). I live in New York’s beautiful Hudson Valley, about an hour and million light years north of the bustle of Manhattan. I eat locally, sustainably, ethically, seasonally, and I write about it here: places I have found great food, recipes I’ve loved, plants I’ve grown, kitchen disasters I’ve created (oh, there are more than a few).

There is a lot said about local eating these days: that it is expensive and elitist, that it is less efficient than centralized convential farming, that it is actually bad for the environment. One thing that doesn’t get mentioned much? Local food tastes better. Plain and simple. There are many great reasons to eat locally (check out the Why Local? page if you’re interested in hearing more), but I admit that my primary motivation is taste: never in my life have I eaten so well. Besides, I’m too poor to be elitist and too foul-mouthed to be holier than thou, so really: taste was my only option.

Come join the conversation and discover how wonderful local food can be.


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All content and images on this site are original work, unless otherwise noted, are protected by copyright and cannot be used without permission. To share an image or an excerpt on your site, please email for permission. For commercial use of content, please inquire about licensing rates and agreements at localkitchen AT yahoo DOT com.


I take recipe inspiration from a variety of sources: cookbooks, magazines, blogs, conversations with friends, food in my fridge. When I have adapted another recipe, or been inspired by one, I note it in the head notes to the recipe. If there is no such attribution, the recipe in question was created by me, without reference to any other recipe, however: there are so few truly original ideas, especially in food. I don’t claim that any particular recipe is a “Local Kitchen original” because, while I may have come up with chipotle cherries because of the awesome alliteration, I don’t believe that I am the first person to do so. I do my best to attribute any and all sources and to not reproduce published recipes that are not substantially altered or already available online.



I am a member of the Amazon Affiliate program, in which some of the links to products you’ll find here on the site will provide me a commission if you click the link and purchase the product. I do this mostly because it is the easiest way to keep the books & products I recommend over & over again in one place. Because my traffic is generally low (or you guys are cheap bastards, like me, and you never buy anything), the Affiliate program nets me about $11 every 16 months or so. “Why thank you, Mr. Mortimer. I can go to the movies. By myself.”

The links are really there for informational purposes: I encourage you to source the product of interest at your local kitchen store or independent bookstore. I will never recommend something that I have not personally used and/or do not think is fabulous.


  1. Christina

    OMG! You rock! thank you so much for sharing all these with me, and for mentioning me personnally, and yes I will hurt you if you stop making applesauce 🙂 this site is awesome and I can’t wait to make something yummy since I’m so far from you making it for me…. Everything looks SOOOOO good


  2. I had to laugh out loud at your disdain for “EVOO.”

    I think we share much of the same foodshed—I’m in CT, just east of Danbury. Nice to “meet” you.

  3. Kim Christensen

    I just found your blog through Hip Girl’s Guide to Homemaking, and am giddy at the prospect of reading it for many posts to come! I love your philosophy. And I totally share your feelings about “EVOO”, I feel the exact same way.

  4. Pingback: Grace in Small Things « Bad Mummy! No Cookie!

  5. chickeninabreadpan

    A girl after my own heart–only you live in the city. Awesome! My mom wasn’t a good cook either–in fact she hated it. I will never open up a can of green beans from the supermarket ever again. Keep up the good work and have fun doing it!

  6. I just found your blog and I have enjoyed reading many of your posts!

    I have to admit, what drew me to take a look, was the above picture of the floured hand-print. I started my blog back in November and since then, I’ve been doing a lot of brain-storming, trying to come up with ideas for photos that would well represent the essence of my blog.

    My boyfriend’s idea was a flour hand-print, also on a butt, but a PVC covered rear-end instead of denim. So you can see why I appreciate your photo! lol

    I have subscribed to your blog and look forward to future entries. I have been researching and reading a lot lately about eating locally and sustainably so I appreciate where you are coming from!


  7. PamKenn

    so glad to find your site. I am a long time cook but trying to be more locally concious. recently moved to NE Vermont and planning my first garden here. I grew up in the Hudson Valley and have enjoyed comparing your locavore experiences to mine. Cheers!

  8. hey! i haven’t been on your about page in a while and i am so glad i came by again. i love the update, and the press section. good on you! 🙂

  9. Just started canning and preserving after a few years of having my own garden and a recent foray into composting. Great recipes and I’m a huge fan of the When Harry Met Sally quote. Looking forward to reading more!

  10. ukulefty

    Just stumbled across your blog while searching for apple recipes to use up the last of my season’s pickings! Loving some of the recipes I’ve seen so far and will be back to check out the rest for sure! Now, what to do with the glut of tomatos on my vines about to ripen….

    • Hi Uku,

      Welcome! If you scroll all the way down on the “Preserves” page (under Recipes) and you’ll see a bunch of tomato preserving options: roasted or pureed, sauce, salsa, spicy, etc. Must say I’m envious as my few plants did not produce much this year.


      • ukulefty

        Cheers I’ll take a look. Currently drying out in the oven for the past two hours are two racks of halved cherry tomatos! 🙂

      • Hello Kaela
        I just thought I would let you know that my blog has moved and is now bighungrygnomes.co.uk. Unfortunately, if you want to remain subscribed to my blog, you will have re-subscribe to this new address. I realise this is a little bit of a nuisance but I would really appreciate your continuing support and interest in my blog

  11. Hi Kaela – I’ve taken the liberty of nominating you for the Blog of the Year Award, 2012, because it’s one I think my readers would enjoy. To check out where I promoted your site, go to http://cookupastory.wordpress.com/2012/12/31/help-im-drowning-in-too-much-sugar/. If you’d like to participate in this activity, you can learn how at http://thethoughtpalette.co.uk/our-awards/blog-of-the-year-2012-award/. Happy New Year and all the best for 2013!

  12. Have just stumbled across your blog and absolutely love it – fantastic recipes and photographs! I’m really looking forward to having more of a look through and reading your new posts!

  13. I’m thrilled to have found your blog!! Our family loves food! We visited the Hudson Valley recently for the first time to visit CIA in Hyde Park. Are you near there? Our son is going to culinary school this fall (did I mention we love food), though he ended up choosing a different school. I love the pictures and information on your blog and look forward to digging through your past posts and reading your new ones.

  14. Love the clean look and style of your blog – and your ‘about page’ is refreshingly non pretentious. Thank you! As someone who is looking for inspiration for the theme and look for my, soon to be released, blog – I have seen a lot – and yours I like very much!

  15. Sinfully Tempting

    Wonderful blog! I was born and raised in the Hudson Valley, but moved to KY a few years back. Wow do I miss some of the food from back home! 🙂

  16. Pingback: How to Save Your Bumper Tomato Crop - The Local Dish

  17. I love the topic of local cooking……the nutritional value and environmental sustainability of locally sourced food…..food that creates a sense of place…..and how traditional food heritage supports health. Enjoying your blog!

  18. Hi there! I randomly found out your blog, and I like it very much because it actually reflect lots of feelings and thoughts of mine. This is why I’m going to follow you! Thanks for share your daily experience!

  19. Hey, absolutely love your blog and fond that the recipe’s, set up and just over all look of your blog is outstanding and really inspired me. So keep it up and i will for sure follow you (:

  20. Pingback: Food Lovers! | Bri.Daniels

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